We have currently one open PostDoc position. In addition, we are always looking for Bachelor/Master projects.

Postdoc Candidates

We are searching for creative and innovative minds who want to conduct cutting-edge research and push the boundaries of HCI in one or multiple of the following areas:
The successful candidate must have:
Your application should demonstrate that you are able to:
If you are interested, please write me a mail including the following information:

Bachelor's/Master's Thesis

If you have your own proposal that you would like to do with us, write a mail to michael.wessely(at)cs.au.dk.
Most bachelor's thesis projects are done in groups of 3 at AU. I will post several projects during the Bachelor project event. Please remember to include in your mail: For master's thesis projects, please include in your mail: Our group is highly collaborative and fabrication-focused topics require to be present in the lab and work with machines. We will not track your hours but we expect that your are at least 15h/week physically present at the lab.

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